Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Not just about ticket stubs anymore

I had some random thoughts come into my head today and decided to write them here in my blog:
1. I am patting myself on my back. This month I managed to pay off all of my credit card and still put money in my savings account. I refuse to get into credit card debt any longer!
2. I love the show the Biggest Loser. I always get emotional watching it and last night was no exception. It also inspired me to really re-evaluate my health and lose those 15 pounds I have been talking about for ages. While I am starting my diet with Dan in November I can start to make healthy choices today. The show also inspired me to possibly order the BodyBugg- a device to track caloric intake and exertion. I love tracking things by numbers/points so I may splurge and get it. This way I will know how awful some things I eat are!
3. I love lazy nights with Dan; last night is a perfect example. Thai food, tv and great company.
4. For the first time in a while I had a truly nice time when I went home this past weekend. I got the perfect dose of family time, beat my mom in scrabble, and relaxed on the couch with my friend Lauren.
5. I love fall! Bring on the sweaters, chill in the air, football season and Islander hockey : )

1 comment:

  1. Yea!!!! Glad to have you back! And I'm so happy for you regarding the cc situation...I wish I had that accomplishment under my belt! XOXO
